The Labyrinth Project
Exploring the Maze of Nature in Los Angeles.The Labyrinth Project explores the diverse and surprising ways in which Los Angeles is full of different natures--- a veritable trophic cascade of the absurd and surprising. Wetlands, lawns, rats, cats, coyotes, mountain lions interact with human affect, state power, indigenous politics, aesthetic pleasure, local governmental power and much more. It is a collaborative research project at UCLA, based in the Institute for Society and Genetics, and in collaboration with the Laboratory for Environmental Narrative Strategies, and using a mix of participant-observation, structured interviewing, collaborative urban anthropology, historical and archival digging, ecological observation, and analysis of social media content. Does this maze have a monster? Did you bring thread?
The Labyrinth Project
The Lion and the Rat
January 27, 2022
The Labyrinth Project at UCLA
Season 1
Episode 1
In this episode, produced by Christopher Kelty, we ask, “what can you live with” in Los Angeles? It’s a simple question without any good answers. It’s a deeply cultural question, about why we love some animals and hate others, and how that never works out well. Part of the UCLA Labyrinth Research Project, more at